Air Variable can analyze and replicate the scent of almost any substance or item.
Air Variable has an extensive library of scent chemicals and many years of experience in formulating scents. We can work with you to produce a scent based on your exact specifications, whether it is a resemblance to an pre-existing scent or a specific abstract quality you are seeking. We especially enjoy producing abstract, unusual and completely unique scents to fit your idea.
In addition to our scent formulation services, we provide consultations on a wide range of scent fabrication and chemistry-related issues including:
- Chemical compatibility and chemical or materials sourcing
- Scent-diffusion, air-filtration and controlling the direction of a scent in a space
- “Scratch and sniff” coatings and inks
- Producing scented products or materials
- Creating modified atmospheres and working with gases
- General troubleshooting and other topics
Please use our Enquiry form and provide us with some details on your project. If we can’t help we will put you in touch with someone who can.
Air Variable can provide you with an analysis of the scent of a particular space. From this analysis we are able to reconstruct that space as a fragrance mixture which can be diffused or used in another manner for your project.
Similar to scent analysis, Air Variable can also perform an overall analysis on a substance to provide you with a comprehensive list of its ingredients and their proportions. The substance can then be replicated or modified.